Portcullis Labs » Android https://labs.portcullis.co.uk Research and Development en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.5 Android cheat sheet https://labs.portcullis.co.uk/blog/android-cheat-sheet/ https://labs.portcullis.co.uk/blog/android-cheat-sheet/#comments Fri, 07 Oct 2016 14:20:03 +0000 https://labs.portcullis.co.uk/?p=5533 At Portcullis, assessing Android applications is a frequent activity for us and we figured it would be helpful to assist others looking to get into the field of testing Android applications. To this end, we’ve compiled a cheat sheet below, it contains a number of commonly used ADB commands, as well as useful commands to […]

The post Android cheat sheet appeared first on Portcullis Labs.

At Portcullis, assessing Android applications is a frequent activity for us and we figured it would be helpful to assist others looking to get into the field of testing Android applications. To this end, we’ve compiled a cheat sheet below, it contains a number of commonly used ADB commands, as well as useful commands to assist in gathering information or performing less common tasks.

This particular cheat sheet has been written for use with Cheat so that it can be quickly looked up within a terminal.

# List installed packages
adb shell pm list packages | cut -d: -f2

# Get APK path to package
adb shell pm path com.xxxx.android

# Decompile APK package
apktool d <appname>

# Recompile APK package
apktool b <apkfolder> -o newapk.apk

# Decompile APK code (dex2jar)
d2j-dex2jar.sh someApk.apk

# Recompile APK code (jar2dex)
d2j-jar2dex.sh --output=classes.dex abc.jar

# Sign APK (note: debug keystore passphrase: android)
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -storepass android -keystore ~/testing/android/keys/debug.keystore <apkname> androiddebugkey

# Sign APK with d2j-apk-sign.sh
d2j-apk-sign.sh <apkname>
# Install APK (use -r to reinstall)
adb install <apkname>

# Uninstall APK (often required)
adb uninstall <apkname>

# Install Burp CA on device
Grab Burp CA
Change extension from .der to .crt
push certificate to /storage/sdcard
Import from SDCARD via settings

# Logcat filter by package
adb logcat | grep `adb shell ps | grep co.uk.xxxx.xxxx | cut -c10-15`

# View x509 certificate information
openssl x509 -in <certfile> -text -noout

# View x509 certificate modulus (often checked by pinning)
openssl x509 -modulus -inform DER -in cacert.der

# Load keystore (BKS)
keytool -list -v -keystore <bksfile> -provider org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider -providerpath /usr/local/bin/bcprov-ext-jdk15on-1.46.jar -storetype BKS -storepass <password>

# Add CA to keystore (BKS)
keytool -importcert -v -trustcacerts -file "burp_ca.crt" -alias burp_ca -keystore <bksfile> -provider org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider -providerpath "/usr/local/bin/bcprov-ext-jdk15on-1.46.jar" -storetype BKS -storepass <password>

# Dump to logcat Smali (with tag DBG)
const-string v1, "DBG"
invoke-static {v1, v0}, Landroid/util/Log;->w(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I

# Wait for debugger Smali
invoke-static {}, Landroid/os/Debug;->waitForDebugger()V

# Return true/false Smali
const/4 v0, 0x0
return v0

# Remount Android filesystem as r/w
mount -o rw,remount,rw /system

# Adb pull folder
adb shell find "/data/data/com.xxxx.xxx" | tr -d '\015' | while read line; do adb pull $line; done;

# Adb pull file
adb pull /data/app/com.xxxx.xxxx/base.apk

# Launch android emulator with proxy support (Burp)
emulator -avd ChallengeApp -http-proxy -scale 0.4

# Launch android emulator with ANDROID_ID not null (sometimes used for rooted detection)
emulator -avd jbx86 -prop emu.uuid=5ec33f90-a471-11e2-9e96-0800200c9a66

# Capture screenshot (regardless of whether activity ACLs prevent them) (requires root)
/system/bin/screencap -p /storage/sdcard/screenshot.png

# Show listening debug ports
adb jdwp

# Debug with jdb
adb forward tcp:<port> jdwp:<port>
jdb -attach localhost:<port>

# Debug with rlwrapped jdb (use this one!)
adb forward tcp:<port> jdwp:<port>
rlwrap-jdb jdb -attach localhost:<port>

# Launch android emu menu
android avd ChallengeApp -scale 0.4

# Open shell to emulator/device
adb shell

# List devices
adb devices

# Target specific device when using multiple devices
adb -s <devicename> <command>

# Uninstall via intent (within emu)
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.DELETE -d package:<your app package>

# Launch logcat GUI/sysmon
cd /home/xxxx/tools/android-sdk-linux/tools; monitor

# Launch logcat terminal
adb logcat

# Generate debug keystore
keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -alias androiddebugkey -keypass android -keystore debug.keystore -storepass android -dname "CN=Android Debug,O=Android,C=US" -validity 9999

# List keystore aliases
keytool -keystore debug.keystore -list -v

# SQLite3 database management:
sqlite3 <database>

# Get ANDROID_ID of device
adb shell content query --uri content://settings/secure/android_id --projection value

# Drozer commands
 # Install agent
 adb install drozer-agent-2.3.4.apk
 # Forward drozer port
 adb forward tcp:31415 tcp:31415
 # Connect
 drozer console --server connect
 # Get APK info
 run app.package.info -a <apkname>
 # Identify attack surface
 run app.package.attacksurface <apkname>
 # List activities
 run app.activity.info -a <apkname>

# Launch activity (in adb shell)(run as root if activity not exported)
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n <activityname>

# Enable developer mode
Settings > About > Tap build number 7 times

# Query content provider
adb shell content query --uri content://url/username

# Bypass operation not permitted error when moving su binaries (Kingroot specific)
chattr -a su

# Boot into fastboot mode
adb reboot bootloader

# Run adb as root (not supported in production build)
adb root

# Run adb as root (alt)
adb kill-server; sudo $(whereis adb) start-server

# Compile and execute Java
public class HelloWorld {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 System.out.println("Hello, World");
javac HelloWorld.java
java HelloWorld

# Use Android Studio for smali source-level debugging
 Prerequisite: Install Android Studio.
 Prerequisite: Install 'smalidea' plugin from https://github.com/JesusFreke/smali/wiki/smalidea
 Prerequisite: Install APK as 'debuggable'=true.  You may have to patch the AndroidManifest in the APK for this.
 Step 1: Import the APK smali into Android Studio:
 Use Baksmali to dump APK smali into a source directory:
   <em>baksmali foobar.apk -o ~/tests/12345678ABC/project/src</em>
 Run Android Studio, select "Import Project" and select project directory (e.g. ~/tests/12345678ABC/project)
 For the import, choose "Create project from existing sources"
 Once created/imported in Android Studio, find the above 'src' directory in the 'Project' sub-view of the 'Project' pane.
 Right-click on the 'src' directory and select "Mark Directory As -> Sources Root"
 Navigate around the source, and set breakpoints where necessary.
 Step 2: Debug the APK
 Set the app to wait for the debugger when it runs:
   <em>adb shell am set-debug-app -w com.example.packagename</em>
 Launch the APK on the device (you should see 'waiting for debugger' pop-up)
 Run Android Monitor (monitor), click on the debuggable app in the 'Devices' pane, and note the local port number
   (local port number is usually 8700, shown in the last column such as '86XX / 8700')
   Leave monitor running, as it maintains the necessary port forwarding
 Create a 'Remote' debug configuration in Android Studio and set the localhost port to '8700' (or whatever found previously)
 Start the debug session in Android Studio with the newly created 'Remote' configuration.
 The 'Waiting For Debugger' pop-up should disappear on the device, and the debugger should hit any breakpoints set.
 Note - memory and registers (v0 etc) can be examined/modified in the 'Watches' window in Android Studio.

# Manage SDK/API settings

 Applications storage path: /data/app/
 Data storage path: /data/data/<apkname> and /sdcard/Android/data/<apkname>
 SDCard: /storage/sdcard
 Pentesting Android 101: http://www.yap0wnb.com/2014_02_01_archive.html
 Android secure coding guidelines: https://www.securecoding.cert.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=111509535

The post Android cheat sheet appeared first on Portcullis Labs.

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Portcullis security consultants to present at BSides London https://labs.portcullis.co.uk/blog/portcullis-security-consultants-to-present-at-bsides-london/ https://labs.portcullis.co.uk/blog/portcullis-security-consultants-to-present-at-bsides-london/#comments Fri, 25 Apr 2014 16:48:06 +0000 https://labs.portcullis.co.uk/?p=4438 We are pleased to announce that two of our security consultants, Graham Sutherland and Tim Brown, will be presenting at the upcoming BSides London security conference on the 29th of April. BSides London is an annual community-driven security conference which, this year, will be taking place at the Kensington and Chelsea Town Hall in London. […]

The post Portcullis security consultants to present at BSides London appeared first on Portcullis Labs.

We are pleased to announce that two of our security consultants, Graham Sutherland and Tim Brown, will be presenting at the upcoming BSides London security conference on the 29th of April.

BSides London is an annual community-driven security conference which, this year, will be taking place at the Kensington and Chelsea Town Hall in London.

Graham’s talk coincides with the disclosure of a set of vulnerabilities in the administration features of the Citrix NetScaler appliance, which will be discussed in the talk.

Graham has provided the following abstract for his talk:

“Breaking binary protocols and bad crypto”

This talk is a running account of a few weeks spent attacking and reverse-engineering a widely deployed network device. Graham went from having little knowledge of the system, to producing some powerful and interesting exploits. The focus of this talk is more towards how the issues were found, rather than the issues themselves. To that end, a generic set of hints and tips will be proposed for analysing and attacking binary protocols, including a method for classifying and identifying unknown cryptography used on data.

While Tim will be presenting “Mobile application testing considerations” and has provided the following abstract for his workshop:

“Mobile Application testing considerations”

This workshop represents a quick dive into the world of mobile application testing, focusing on Android but with consideration for Windows Mobile, BB10 and iOS. It will be based on Portcullis’ mobile application testing methodology although it will cover much of the equivalent OWASP methodology of which I am a contributor. It will cover testing from a network perspective as well as how you assess the attack surface an application presents locally.

The post Portcullis security consultants to present at BSides London appeared first on Portcullis Labs.

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